I am a Senior Lecturer in the mathematics department of the Higher Teacher Training College (Former ENS Annex Bambili, University of Yaounde 1).
I defended my Ph.D in Cryptography at the University of Rennes 1 (France) under the supervision of Sylvain Duquesne and Marcel Tonga of the University of Yaounde 1.
I am interested mainly in Arithmetic of elliptic curves, efficient computation of pairings on elliptic and hyperelliptic curves for cryptograhy and Information security.
I am a member of the Research Team ERAL (Algebra and Logic, University of Yaounde 1). I am also part of the PRMAIS project which includes more than five universities in Sub-Saharan Africa for the development of mathematics (number theory, algebraic geometry, coding theory) and their applications to information security.
From January 2015 to January 2016, 1 was a Postdoc Research Engineer within the SIMPATIC Project (SIM and PAiring Theory for Information and Communications security), France.
I am organising an African Mathematical School in Mathematics and Cryptography together with the International conference CRAG-6 at the University of Bamenda. For more information visit the webpage.