Conference in Morocco ( 25-28 May 2015)
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Ecole Mathématiques Africaine: 23 March-03 April 2015 (Franceville) Gabon
4th Annual Workshop on Cryptography, Algebra and Geometry, 21-25 July 2014, Dschang, Cameroon
International center of Pure and Applied Mathematics School: M'bour, 16-29 Juin 2014 (Senegal)
7th International Conference in Cryptography in Africa, ( 27-29 May 2014) Morocco
PACOM 2013 (Abudja) Nigeria, 2013
Third Buea International Conference on the Mathematical Sciences, 30 April-03 May 2013 (Cameroon)
2nd Workshop on Cryptography, Algebra and Geometry ( Ngaoundere, Cameroon)